• Genesis Fertility Solutions, G 96, Ekanki Enclave, Sector PI 1, Greater Noida
  • +91 99714 10369

Ovum Donation & Surrogacy Support

Ovum Donation & Surrogacy Support

Ovum Donation & Surrogacy Support

Egg donor IVF is a fertility treatment option for those who can't use their own eggs, for whatever reason. Especially when using a screened egg donor (as opposed to a family member or friend), the success rates for egg donor IVF are good—higher than the average IVF success rates for couples not using a donor.

When Egg Donor IVF Is Needed?

In conventional IVF treatment, the woman takes fertility drugs to stimulate egg production in her ovaries. Once the eggs reach maturity, they are retrieved via an ultrasound-guided needle.

The retrieved eggs are placed in a petri dish with sperm cells, and hopefully, some eggs are fertilized. The resulting embryos can then either be transferred to the mother’s uterus, transferred to a gestational carrier's uterus, or frozen for a later cycle.

But what if the intended mother’s ovaries aren’t producing enough eggs for regular IVF? Or what if the intended mother’s ovaries are completely absent? What if a gay male couple wants to have a child? Then egg donor IVF may be recommended. Here are some situations in which egg donor IVF may be required or recommended.

  • Age related infertility (most often for women age 40 or older).
  • A single male with a gestational carrier.
  • Gay male couple having a child with a gestational carrier.
  • Genetic disease risk on female partner’s side.
  • Low ovarian reserves (indicated by very high FSH levels or a low antral follicle count).
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency (also known as premature ovarian failure).
  • Post-cancer treatment (if the ovaries or eggs were damaged or removed).
  • Repeated cancelled IVF treatment due to poor or low ovarian response.
  • Unexplained repeated IVF failure.
  • Woman born without her ovaries due to a congenital anomaly.